Wednesday, January 2, 2013

LearnAmericanEnglishOnlineNow Presents Free Audio to Learn French for English Speakers

Amazon Kindle ebook Follow the podcast with "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers." Purchase your copy from Kindle here

Nook ebook:

Purchase your copy of "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers" from

You can now learn french by listening to it online at or on

First, you need to purchase a copy of the ebook "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Français - French Lesson MP3 Conversations - Free French MP3 Dialogue Downloads" which you can find on Amazon Kindle now.

Find a copy of "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais - French Lesson MP3 Conversations - Free French MP3 Dialogue Downloads" at Barnes and Noble as a nookbook now.

You can buy a copy of "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais..." at too!

General French Pronunciation Tips:

Free Downloads and Excerpts from "Learn Free French MP3 Downloads..."

Free Downloads and Excerpts from "French Notes and Textbook for English Speakers

Say the names of countries in French / Les noms de pays

French Song: Je ne sais pas le jour ou je verrai mon Roi

Listen to some more songs/hymns in French: A Dieu Soit La Gloire! Oh quel bonheur de le connaitre!

Listen to this multilingual Phrasebook episode:

French for London Olympics

A Beginner's Audio Guide to French

French Hymn: Le Cri de mon ame...

Make sentences with Chez, Voici, and Voila